Envision Kittens!
Play the game and let me know what simple, fun things you are manifesting with the new moon. MEOW.This New Moon is encouraging us to explore and envision how you would like your life to be like in a year from now.?
What area of our lives are we settling for mediocrity and therefore we need to infuse passion into and choose based on love. Pisces is saying “Promise me you won’t settle”
When you start thinking about something repetitively and obsessively, don’t you start to see it everywhere? Sometimes I play little games with myself, like focusing on a color or word and seeing it in my mind's eye for about 20 seconds at intervals. Then I start to see that thing everywhere around me.
Let's try it with kittens. Imagine kittens in your mind's eye as you read this post, and pay attention to how many times throughout the day kittens appear in your life randomly.
This is how I see this New Moon in Pisces on the 10th; it has the energy of kittens for me. Use it to envision what you want to see in your life and do. But please, let's keep it simple. You want to see a purple elephant or go out with long-lost friends. Manifesting is having the thing already, but it's like a character that needs to be unlocked in the video game of your life. But it has already been here waiting for your awareness.
Pisces: The new moon urges you to shed the winter drab and invest in new spring/summer attire. Embrace a new look, a haircut, or jewelry to shine and sparkle. Dress for the life you envision, not the one you're currently living.
Aries: This new moon ignites your life in a major way. Envision what you want clearly every day. Don't become realistic; be delusional and allow yourself to dream. Understand your manifestation power.
Taurus: The new moon provides space and clarity over a situation. Trust your intuition; it confirms that you're right. Don't doubt your intuition again.
Gemini: This new moon frees you from a mental prison. Walk out of self-imposed limitations and frustrations.
Cancer: The new moon opens your heart, urging you to expand, release judgments, and forgive.
Leo: Dive deeper within. The treasure you seek is within you. Listen to your intuition and address any mental or emotional blocks.
Virgo: Take time to refresh and rebuild after a purge. Spring clean and enjoy it. You may need to clean up after others, but it's enjoyable for you.
Libra: The new moon opens the door to your new home. Step through without hesitation. You have the tools to tackle the future.
Scorpio: The new moon may bring a sudden illness, forcing you to rest and recoup. Focus on work and rest for the next week.
Sagittarius: The new moon shakes up your home foundations. Consider moving or rearranging furniture. Travel plans may also be on the horizon.
Capricorn: This new moon shifts your mindset regarding work-life balance. Consider changes in industries or locations. Dream of alternative versions of yourself.
Aquarius: The new moon prompts you to plan and take clear action steps toward your future. Ground yourself in the present and capitalize on the energetic support of the awakening world.